Thursday, August 4, 2011

18 months old

So my little man will be 18 months 3 days! I can remember giving birth to him like it was yesterday and now he will have a little brother in 4 short months. I have been thinking about getting him into the big boy bed for naps so in the next 4-6 months when the baby will need the crib he will just want to be in the big boy room. He is hitting and biting and I am reading "Happiest Toddler on the Block" so we will see what works and how we get to the other side of this. The biting is very deliberate and I think because he cannot communicate what he wants, he doesn't even try he just grabs my arm and sinks his teeth in like an ear of corn. On top of it all I think for sure there are more teeth coming in! Yesterday he was up and screaming at 4:30am and cried for 45 straight and didn't want anything I was trying to get him to settle down. So I gave him some medicine and did better the rest of the day and took a long nap. Today was more odd behavior for him. He didn't want to get out of the stroller after our Stroller Strides class this morning and play with his friends; he was just a grumpy face. By dinner tonight his bottom canine "holes" were fire engine red so i got my fingers crossed that those pop out tonight and in the morning I will get my sweet boy back. Thankfully when he is in pain he just wants to cuddle and watch a movie or we always got the water table and the weather is awesome so we will be just fine, I just hate to see my boy not being himself. Good night and hopefully tomorrow will be better!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Baby Bump update- 22 weeks

So we are 22 weeks already! It is crazy how fast this all just fly's by while you are chasing a toddler around. We do not have an official date yet when my husband is leaving but we have a tentative date and we only have about 7 weeks to go as a family under one roof! So we are just soaking up every moment and counting down till the next chapter.

This week is World Breastfeeding Week and I came across this article CDC Calls Out Hospitals For Not Supporting Breastfeeding

I breastfed my son for 13 months and I feel that my success was do the great nurses at my hospital putting that baby on me every moment and having great women in my life to support me no matter what. My opinion on the subject is this I totally agree they should support the mothers decision on how to feed their baby, unfortunately many women who want to breastfeed never get or can afford to get the support to do so and are forced into bottle feeding. I wish it was as easy as a personal choice for all and support either way was available if needed. Unfortunately the story I hear from my friends that wanted to breastfeed and can't it usually goes like this. A lactation consultant never met with them while at the hospital and since nobody showed them how to breastfeed the baby is given formula in the hospital, making it more difficult. Then when home milk never comes in and when help is looked for it is already too late and when they decide to commit to formula, and then they are made to feel like a failure. None of this is acceptable in my book, mothers should be supported and surrounded by love in the beginning stages of motherhood. I truly believe i was successful because the hospital did what this article suggests, the baby stayed in my room , and the nurses had no problem waking me up during those first days to feed him every opportunity I had, and that I had a great support system. Whatever your choice mothers need to be supported and given the resources to do what is right for them. I loved my time as a breastfeeding Mama and can't wait till December to have another nursling at my side constantly, it was such a wonderful blessing and magical time in my son's life!!