Thursday, February 16, 2012

toddler snack tips

My toddler is always hungry! Now that I have a baby I am nursing often I have set up snacks so he can help himself while I am busy. In the pantry i have a basket on a low shelf with little boxes of raisens, frezze dried fruit packets, and fruit snacks. In the fridge I have sippy cups already with milk in them, fruit, and my new find this week are Milk bites. The Milk bites are great for my little guy and he actually eats them, unlike Nutri-grain bars or Quaker Chewy bars. My toddler does not like most things that are bread like, no bread or cake or even tortillas. I keep trying on the bread but he just picks out what he likes and tries to feed the bread to the dog. He eats enough carbs and starches from Goldfish and pasta, but it just makes my job my interesting. I just have to be creative and find ways to work with what he likes.

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