So my little man has learned to say NO. He is almost 17 months old and is now very helpful and following directions very well. Just as I was getting used to this new wonderful stage we just crossed into we woke up the next morning in another new stage. So last week we woke up and we got dressed and once I got ready to go we went down stairs to get some food and get the boy changed for the day. After I got him his milk I told him we were going to change he diaper. He hears this and says NO very clearly for the first time and then takes off running away from me shaking his head. So I calmly repeated my self and scooped him up and he proceeded to sink his razor sharp teeth into me, within in five minutes the bite had turned into a bruise that lasted about 4 days. With more skills he is learning and wanting to do he is getting more frustrated while learning new skills. Sharing is also something that is going to be an interesting skill for him to learn. Lots of patience will be needed on my part as we keep learning how to communicate and help my toddler grow through this phase. I also just keep thinking about things I can do to make this transition to being a big brother as smooth as possible. Well I will keep thinking and praying on this but like everything in parenting I am finding out you just got to jump and figure it out as you go, because there is no planning any of this you just got to live and learn as you go.
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